Having made the dress quickly and taking photos during the process, I now know how to make it (again) with minor changes and blogging it here because any piece of paper or notes will certainly get lost in my messy sewing room.
This trial run is using the smallest size.
Next time, I would make the ruffles first. That way, I could set the Serger for the rolled hem to finish the edges ( 3 threads RN in, LN out, Lower Looper tension set to 7-9, stitch finger forward, length 1.5) then reset the Serger to 4 threads to finish insides seams etc.
Finish edges of facing for the side panels.
Make back bow/sash.
Next time, I will cut the back sash narrow for the distance of the side panels and then increase to make wider. I would like to see a wider sash when it is tied. It can't be wide from where it gets attached at the side seams because it won't fit through the casing at a later step.
Button holders. Cut piece of fabric 1 1/2 inches wide, maybe smaller.
Fold in half. Stitch the length.
Then pin and stitch the facings to the side panels.
At this point, BEFORE attaching front to side panels, the front can be trimmed or decorated.
Ric rac could be stitched down the front sides.
Edge stitch along the top, down the sides and on the front seams.
These were cut 4 inches wide by 40 inches long. Should be longer for larger sizes.
Ruffle could also be 3 1/2 inches maybe smaller?
On the back panel, marked a line 3 1/2 inches up from bottom edge for first length of ruffles. Then 2 inches away from that for the second length, and again 2 inches away for the third and 2 inches from that for the fourth.
Three lengths of ruffles will do for next time.
Lay the length of ruffles facing upward, and stitch along marked line. Fold down, press.
Mark lines for elastic casing on the centre back 3/4 inch apart, starting just below the curve.
Stitch casing lines through centre back top and facing. Insert elastic. Pull up, pin sides and stitch to hold in place.Stitch back panel to side panels leaving a 1/2 inch of side panel above the curve of the back centre panel at the top edge.
Then sew front panel to side panels so the whole dress is now in a round.
NOTE: the frill isn't necessary.
Pin the strap at the edge of the front panel SEE FLAT HEAD PINS, and back edge of strap to back side panel SEE FLAT HEAD PINS. The straps are in a U shape from the front panel to the back of the side panels sandwiched between overdress and underdress.
Then pin the RS of the Overdress to the WS of the Underdress and stitch along the top edge.
Flip, and edge stitch along top edge.
Omit the ruffles from the straps.
Use piping on the front side panels.Use a shallow ruffled hem or eyelet lace on overdress not thin lace as this one has.
Maybe add pockets on the front, or decorate the front bib area.
One less length of ruffle may make it sit better. If the ruffles are 3 1/2 or smaller, then maybe 4 (more?) might be in order.
The sash could be wider, but can't be too wide for the length of the casing.
Elastic may not be necessary for smaller sizes.
You do such beautiful work.